Virtuality 720p
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720p, also known as HD (high definition), is a display resolution measuring 1280 x 720 pixels. Resolution explains how many pixels a display has in width x height format (the more pixels a display has, the sharper its image quality).
720p compares favorably to the old Standard Definition (SD), which is usually around 640 x 480. But with 2K (opens in new tab)and 4K getting more popular, 720p isn't considered very sharp for today's PC monitors (especially not the best gaming monitors), gaming laptops (opens in new tab)or TVs. If you're buying a monitor (opens in new tab) or shopping for laptops (opens in new tab), don't settle for anything less than 1080p.
Relatively inexpensive video camcorders like the Flip Mino provide the opportunity for faculty to film in the classroom. In this video I look at three video camcorders (the Creative Labs Vado HD 720p, Flip Mino and Kodak Zi6) and suggest which device is best to use. I also cover some of tripod options to consider. 2b1af7f3a8