Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines.iso Serial Crack PC
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When Graduation finally arrived, Elena wanted to talk to Damon about their relationship but before she could, Damon gave Elena the cure as her graduation present. When Elena wouldn't take it -- because then the Hunters would kill people -- Damon knew the sire bond hadn't resurfaced when she got her humanity back. Damon thought Jeremy would help him convince her, but Jeremy said it was her choice. He accepts Elena as a vampire now. That's nice. Elena then noticed Damon wincing in pain and told him to take off his shirt. "Elena, there are children present," he cracked. She saw the wound from Vaughn's wooden-bullet gun hadn't healed. He told her that bullet was laced with werewolf venom -- and the hunters were dicks. With Klaus in New Orleans, the only hope was for Damon to take the cure and become human so he didn't die. That's what Elena wanted. But Damon said he was so motivated by Elena's save-the-world speech, he wouldn't do it. He gave the cure to Vaughn and told him they were off to dig up Silas. Damon didn't want to become human, so if he was going to die, he'd at least distract Vaughn.
In True Lies, Elena called Damon to tell him about the humiliation from Professor Wes Maxfield's class and Damon asked her if she'd pressed him for information. "At least tell me you used torture," he said, reminding her that she's dating a reformed serial killer. Elena said "Stefan?" because she thought she saw him. "Probably mope at him," Damon cracked. Before Damon could explain it wasn't Stefan, Silas told Elena to turn off her phone and she did. Damon is desperate to find Elena at the bonfire to tell her that Stefan is really Silas, and she's busy drinking, trying to drown her sorrows over her Damon and Jeremy problem. Damon finally finds Elena, and when she gets him alone, she feeds him vervain, and readies to kill him, with Silas' compulsion. Of course, Damon gets out of it, and snaps Elena out of Silas' trance, by telling her to think about her worries of Stefan. 2b1af7f3a8