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Air Hauler 2 needs to be launched from the Steam Tools menu on the Steam client.Open the Steam client and select the Tools menuSelect FSX Air Hauler 2 and double-click to install, or right-click and select Install When FSX Air Hauler 2 is installed, double-click to run or right-click and select Play Game A: You need to include the hidden input, but it isn't visible, so you need to change this : textarea.append(''); To this: textarea.append(''); tags.append(""); Note that this will be a separate question, how to manipulate the document HTML. Hopefully you don't have to do too much that is unfortunately. In 1936, when he was 28 years old, Sergei Eisenstein was appointed Chief Film Editor for the Leningrad State Theater of Musical Comedy. He held this position until 1940. During this time, Eisenstein also worked in the SVOPO as well as the Marxism-Leninism Department of the Committee for the Cinematography. In 1926 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Musical and Cinematographic Art (with Vladimir Dokuchiy). In the early 1930s, Eisenstein stood out as a gifted film theoretician, professor, and scriptwriter. Eisenstein's theories and instructions on the formation of film came to be an important factor in the filmmaking of his contemporaries and in the formation of the style of film editing in the Soviet Union. It is appropriate to mention here that Oleg Motyl, the department head of the SVOPO in 1928, has written: "Eisenstein showed how to cut action with action, with dialogue, with camera movement, and how to cut various parts of the film, such as the first, middle, and last parts, employing the close-up, the reverse shot, the cross-shot, and the medium shot." In 1928, the Leningrad Film Institute founded the Manya Praesidium. d2c66b5586