Jar Bundler For Mac Os X
Download ->->->-> https://urlca.com/2t7JXb
This release is based on the earlier work ofSeth Morabito.This project was taken over by Tobias Bley and moved to GitHub August 2015.What's New, April 2014Issue a warning when using deprecated 'shortinfostring' attributeIssue a warning when using deprecated 'aboutmenuname' attributeAdded the optional 'copyright' string attribute to JarBundler taskAdded the optional 'allowMixedLocalizations' boolean attribute to JarBundler task.Many thanks to Tobias Fischer for these additions and updates.DownloadSource and binary, all platforms (ZIP):jarbundler.zipSource and binary, all platforms (TAR):jarbundler.tar.gzInstallationMove the file jarbundler-2.3.1.jar into your local ANT lib directory. Remove any older versions at this time.Using in the Build fileTo use the Jar Bundler Ant Task, create a task definition in yourANT build.xml file like this:
This ANT DataType element allows developers to specify java propertiesfor the info.plist. This DataType repalces many jarbundler tag attributes. However, ifa deprecated attribute is used it will take precedent over a javaproperty. This was doneto maintain backward compatibility with earlier versions of jarbundler.This task takes name/value pairs:Additional Java Properites can be found in the Apple Developer Connection document: Apple Java Properties for JDK 1.4+The nested execfileset element specifies a FileSet. Allfiles included in this fileset will be added to the applicationbundle's "Contents/MacOS" directory and set executable. Optional.
Fix bug when using localized Help Books, the menu application would appears as (null)Corrected the encoding for the Info.plist XML file so that the copyright character,amongst others, are processed correctly. Thanks to Christian Roth for both pointing out the encoding problem and providing a one line solution!April 11, 2006 (version 1.8)Added bundle attribute to documenttype task in order to specifydocuments which are in reality directory trees, yet treated as a single entity by the Finder.Thanks to Deerwood McCord Jr. for the implementation.Added mimetypes attribute to documenttype task in order to specifyMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) types for the document.Thanks to Deerwood McCord Jr. for the implementation.No longer required to delete the existing application bundle, i.e. .app directory, before invoking the jarbundler task. This is now done by the task itself.The filename of the stubfile attribute will be used as the Java Application Stub filename within the bundle and for the value of the CFBundleExecutable key in the Info.plist. This usage provides a way for each Java application to have a uniquely named executable filename. This is useful when using the UNIX 'top' command to distinguish applications.Thanks to Deerwood McCord Jr. for the this idea.Info.plist is built internally as a DOM tree instead of concatenating strings. This resulting DOM tree is serialized into the file using two space indentation and one tag per line.Improved readablity of the verbose output. The contents of the Info.plist fileis controlled by the showPlist attribute.Reorganize JarBundler documentation by splitting out advanced features March 22, 2006 (version 1.7)Added nested task so that file associations can be set upfor the application. Thanks to Dan Stowell a sample "Info.plist" file containing document type entries.
Added Apple Help Book support by... Adding helpbookfolder attribute to the jarbundler task Adding helpbookname attribute to the jarbundler task Adding javafilelist nested task to assist in moving the Help Book JNI library to the correct location. (see above) Thanks to Will Lowe for an example Help Book project with JNI code.Split the "Hello, World" example into a complex build which associatesdocument types and uses a Help Book, and a simple minimal buildReorganize 'example' source directory to include Objective-C JNI code and usepackage structure for "Hello, World" application rather than putting everythingMarch 2, 2006 (version 1.6)Added and nested elements,which mirror and , and add files to the Contents/Resources directory.Added build attribute to jarbundler task. See also versionand infostring for usage.Added jar attribute to jarbundler task.Added shortname attribute to jarbundler task. See also namefor usage.JarBundler is now a SourceForge project!Changed task package to net.sourceforge.jarbundlerFebruary 2006 (version 1.5)Changed the package from 'com.loomcom.ant.tasks.jarbundler' to 'com.informagen.ant.tasks.jarbundler' so that version 1.4 can remain installed without conflictAdded a nested DataType called "javaproperty" so that new properties can be added by end users and deprecated properties can be removed. Former jarbundler tag atributes are still available but have been deprecated in favor of their 'javaproperty' equivalents. Currently, a jarbundler tag attribute overrides a javaproperty tag. This was done to maintain backward compatibility with version 1.413 November 2004 (version 1.4): Fixed a bug that was causing application arguments not to be set.
To create the ButtonDemo.app package, use theappbundler tool. The appbundler is not shippedwith the 7u6 version of the Oracle JDK for the Mac. You candownload it from the Java Application Bundler project on java.net. There is alsoAppBundler Documentation available.
Native apple macintosh applications are packaged as 'bundles', which underneath the hood is simply a directory structure containing application specific code and preferences. Creating these bundles by hand can be time consuming, fortunately applications exist to do it for you. I have used Jarbundler with success. Applications such as these allow you toAssociate an icon to your applicationAssociate icons to files your application createsPass command line arguments to your applicationProvide a help bookAnd much more...Jarbundler can be accessed via a simple ant task, allowing one to incorporate the building of a mac specific deployment during their build process with ant.
DEPRECATED and UNMAINTAINED! See Readme! ////// Unofficial git port of the Sourceforge Ant-Jarbundler Task. JarBundler is a feature-rich Apache ANT task that can create Mac OS X Application Bundles...
If you don't see your operating system or distro listed below, then no additional setup is required beyond Appendix A: The Compiler Toolchain. Just run gem install nokogiri --platform=ruby -- --use-system-libraries. Or, if you're using bundler, bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries. 2b1af7f3a8