Ask A Rapist Reddit
over the years, the legal system has made it possible for women to actually get “money back” in cases of rape. “Money back” is basically having access to more than or equal money than what was lost in the event that your spouse was found to be present during the rape. This legal system is widespread and necessary for victims of gender based injustices. Question is, what happens when being married means having to support a violator of your right to bodily integrity. Or in other words, living with a partner who raped, and can now call you his wife? Will you still be responsible for his behavior and hold him accountable in any way? This is a problem that cannot be solved or even really addressed
the entire purpose of state sanctioned rape/marital rape laws is on the assumption that women will RETURN to their marital/sex partners once their “manhood” is protected ; but what happens if you are raped by a woman? Our laws never account for this scenario. Since our very existence is based on the mischaracterization of our gender, “’Sexual intercourse with animals doesn’t exist! Period!’ [37] ” and if we live by our biological imperative to procreate, then there can be no “sexual intercourse” without a male to impregnate a woman. If a woman is sexually violated, then she is essentially raped because she cannot “return to the ‘fundamental human unit’” [38] in marriage. It is patriarchal and misogynistic to assume that rapists are the only sex offenders. We must acknowledge the reality of “sexual fluidity”, that there is no universal genital-genital intercourse, and that the act of rape can happen to men and women. Rape is a crime that should not be brushed under the rug. Most men build emotional intimacy in the same way that a rapist physically takes sexual intimacy from their victim. Compounding the pain of a rape victim is the fact most rapists overestimate their victim’s “cooperation”.[41] It is difficult for women to report rape if their husband or partner is a potential suspect. The belief that women are to blame for rape is also common among the public and law enforcement.[42] d2c66b5586